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Aucae in the Observatory of the Cybernetic World

by | Jun 7, 2020

The Observatory of the Cybernetic World is managed by the CEIS on behalf of the General Directorate of International Relations and Strategy (DGRIS) of the French Ministry of Armed Forces.

The website and the newsletter aim to relay the Ministry’s commitment to greater public-private cooperation and the strengthening of the “Army-Nation” link in the field of cyber defence.

Each month, two topics of analysis covering current events in cyberspace will enable the civilian world to better understand the challenges of cyber defence, and the military world to benefit from insights into the private world, an “innovation” focus highlighting an innovative company, and a review of a project or event in the cybersecurity sector.

At the end of May 2020, Aucae and our solution are the subject of an “innovation focus” in the Cybersecurity World Observatory.

Find the article on the following page:

Aucae: Putting people back at the centre of crisis management (French-language article)

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